Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jake Dale c.1922

Jack and Biddy Dale, Wandjina 2004, courtesy Aboriginal Art Online.

Referred to as the ‘Grand Old Man of the Kimberley’, tribal elder Jack Dale is highly respected as both a custodian of ceremonial ‘Law’ and for his skill as a bushman. 

In his late 70’s Dale started exploring historical themes in his art. Incidents that he had personally experienced or witnessed and later depicted in his art included hiding as police patrols forcibly took Aboriginal children from their families, watching chain gangs of Aboriginal men being marched away by white men on horseback, and the arrival of the Afghan camel drivers. Jack Dale’s most compelling works focus on the Wandjina and other important spirit beings that created the land and instituted the laws that govern human behaviour amongst his own people.  

For more review:

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