Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Indigenous art

Indigenous art practices come through a wide range of mediums and methods. Almost every possible daily activities could be considered as the practices as there are so meaningful and well thought through that dreaming and dreamtime are reflecting constantly onto their normal everyday life. It is the rich history that activated the motions and styles within Aboriginal work of art. Art forms has been used as a vehicle carrying stories from generation to generation; these forms of art come in various style ie.
  • Painting on canvas, bark painting, body painting
  • Wood craving
  • Batik 
  • Wearable art, jewellery
  • Performance, signing, dancing 
  • Ceremony
Traditional arts
  • rock painting 
  • cave painting
  • bark painting 
  • decorative art on tools and ceremony items 
  • traditional weaving
  • body painting - on women at ceremony
  • sand painting - important for storytelling

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